The Community Lounge is a warm comfortable area based inside the ACE building.
There are sofas, tables, reading nooks, areas to sit on your own and areas to sit with others.
It's supported by ACE community fridge and as such there will always be tea and coffee available which you can help yourself to.
There will be an assortment of community groups meeting in the lounge but there will always be space available for people to sit that are not joining in with the group activity.
With Books, newspapers, games, puzzles and crafts...there'll always be something to do. Sit and chat with someone or everyone.
ACE Lounge has free wifi so whether you’re a student or a WFH, we can provide a free, warm, workspace.
The Lounge has been set up to provide a sociable setting that's warm, comfortable and doesn't cost. A central community area that relieves isolation and loneliness and supports the use of a shared space.
This gives people the chance to be inspired, solve problems, share humour, vent their frustrations and share their achievements. Putting the community feeling back into the community.
We hold multiple Community groups in the lounge that come under our Social Isolation Prevention work aka ‘SIP’ groups
We love the space and versatility of our lounge. The open plan area supports the organised multifunctional uses and multi generation interaction.We love the space and versatility of our lounge. The open-plan area supports organized multifunctional uses and multi-generational interaction.
Do you need support or can you provide support for others?
ACE Community Lounge- While the lounge doesn’t supply tangible emergency support in the way the other projects of ACE, it does:
give a place of belonging.
Provide a warm inviting environment where you can grab a cup of tea/coffee and just be.
A hug when you need it.
There will always be something you can do that adds value to someone else, human contact, a sense of belonging and activities for the mind are positive, well-being support essentials.
You are valued, become a part of the ACE Wellbeing support.